Love our Homemade Bread? Here's the recipe...
Updated: May 16, 2020
So you want to bake ey? Think you can take us on do you? Of course you's easy once you know how!
Check out our ultimate homemade bread recipe, below - it's the exact same method we use to bake our fresh bread every morning that's used in many of our breakfast, brunch & lunch dishes in Bluebell coffee shop! BUT on one condition - you have to share it with your family/friends ;)
You'll be a dab hand in no time...and if you fancy a if you fancy learning more about the art of baking, we couldn't recommend Paul Hollywood's book 'How To Bake' enough. Packed full of great recipes that'll keep you busy experimenting for months!
If you're looking for a great introductory bread maker, we can recommend this nifty Russell Hobbs 23620 Compact Fast Breadmaker
Features: 55 minute fast bake| 13 hr delay bake timer | 3 crust options | Dishwasher safe non-stick pan & kneading blades
Bluebell's Homemade Bread Recipe:
Tip the flour into a bowl and mix in the yeast with the salt. Stir in the water, oil and honey. Now bring together to make a soft dough – I use my hands, but a wooden spoon or knife from the cutlery drawer is fine. Tip onto a lightly floured surface and knead for 10 mins. It is worth putting in the time to do this as it will pay off later with lovely airy bread.
Don’t keep adding flour, a wet dough is better than a dry one, which will bake to a tough texture, so if you don’t like the dough sticking to your hands, lightly oil them. If you are adding flavourings, knead them in gently now.
Turn the dough into an oiled 1kg bread tin and cover with oiled cling film (or better still, a free unused shower cap from your last hotel stay!). Put in a warm place until the bread fills the tin, it should take between 1-2 hrs.
Uncover and bake your bread at 200C/180C fan/gas 6 for 30-35 mins until golden. Tip out of the tin and tap the base of the loaf. It should sound hollow when fully cooked. If not cooked, put loaf back in the oven out of the tin and test again after 10 mins. Cool.
500g strong bread flour
7g sachet fast-action dried yeast
1 tsp salt
300ml hand-hot water
2 tbsp sunflower oil
1 tbsp honey
Once you've tried this recipe, you'll be hooked! We will be giving away other 'how to's' (like our delicious focaccia) in other blog posts. If you haven't already, install an RSS reader on your browser. Install the Google RSS Reader and then click the orange RSS symbol on our main blog page to be notified whenever we post something new :)